Hungry Jack Beef And Bean RoundUp Recipe

  • 0:10:00
  • 0:30:00
  • 0:40:00
  • 1 1/2
    ground beef
  • 1/4
    chopped onion
  • 1
    barbecue sauce
  • 1
    brown sugar
  • 1
    baked beans
  • 1
    hungry jack ref. flaky biscuits
  • 1/2
    shredded cheddar cheese

Heat oven to 375. In skillet, brown ground beef and onions; drain. Stir in bbq sauce, brown sugar and beans; heat until bubbly. Pour into 2 1/2 quart casserole. Separate dough into 10 biscuits; cut each biscuit in half cross wise. Place biscuits upside down over hot meat mixture in spoke fashion around edge of casserole. Sprinkle cheese over biscuits. Let bake at 375 for 22-27 minutes or until biscuits are golden brown (or sprinkle cheese all over).

By: Probably from Hungry Jack

Published on 09/03/2013

Recipe Nutrition Information

  • 41.67g Water (WATER)
  • 3.82g Carbohydrate, by difference (CHOCDF)
  • 75.39g Sugars, total (SUGAR)
  • 9g Phytosterols (PHYSTR)
  • 37.17g Glucose (dextrose) (GLUS)
  • 457g Energy (ENERC_KCAL)
  • 1910g Energy (ENERC_KJ)
  • 805g Calcium, Ca (CA)
  • 31g Magnesium, Mg (MG)
  • 516g Phosphorus, P (P)
  • 86g Potassium, K (K)
  • 740g Sodium, Na (nan)
  • 1.4g Vitamin C, total ascorbic acid (VITC)
  • 31g Folate, total (FOL)
  • 31g Folate, food (FOLFD)
  • 31g Folate, DFE (FOLDFE)
  • 18.7g Choline, total (CHOLN)
  • 96g Carotene, beta (CARTB)
  • 1408g Vitamin A, IU (VITA_IU)
  • 200g Lutein + zeaxanthin (LUT+ZEA)
  • 4.21g Ash (ASH)
  • 2.0g Fiber, total dietary (FIBTG)
  • 6.08g Sucrose (SUCS)
  • 32.14g Fructose (FRUS)
  • 1.45g Iron, Fe (FE)
  • 25.93g Protein (PROCNT)
  • 32.3g Selenium, Se (SE)
  • 1.354g Niacin (NIA)
  • 382g Vitamin A, RAE (VITA_RAE)
  • 5g Cryptoxanthin, beta (CRYPX)
  • 10319g Lycopene (LYCPN)
  • 1.81g Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) (TOCPHA)
  • 37.77g Total lipid (fat) (FAT)
  • 2.7g Vitamin K (phylloquinone) (VITK1)
  • 1.060g 12:0 (F12D0)
  • 3.408g 14:0 (F14D0)
  • 9.781g 16:0 (F16D0)
  • 3.849g 18:0 (F18D0)
  • 10.649g Fatty acids, total monounsaturated (FAMS)
  • 8.395g 18:1 undifferentiated (F18D1)
  • 7.470g 18:1 c (F18D1C)
  • 1.068g Fatty acids, total polyunsaturated (FAPU)
  • 1.328g 18:2 undifferentiated (F18D2)
  • 112g Cholesterol (CHOLE)
  • 1.184g Threonine (THR_G)
  • 1.368g Isoleucine (ILE_G)
  • 2.199g Leucine (LEU_G)
  • 1.162g Lysine (LYS_G)
  • 1.218g Phenylalanine (PHE_G)
  • 1.256g Tyrosine (TYR_G)
  • 1.592g Valine (VAL_G)
  • 1.966g Aspartic acid (ASP_G)
  • 5.369g Glutamic acid (GLU_G)
  • 2.832g Proline (PRO_G)
  • 4.13g Zinc, Zn (ZN)
  • 1.25g Vitamin B-12 (VITB12)
  • 374g Retinol (RETOL)
  • 27g Vitamin D (VITD)
  • 9.8g Menaquinone-4 (MK4)
  • 21.395g Fatty acids, total saturated (FASAT)