Pork Tenderloin Recipe

  • 0:05:00
  • 0:55:00
  • 1:00:00
  • 1
    pork tenderloin
  • 1
  • 1
    black pepper
  • 1
    Worcestershire sauce
Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Place the tenderloin on a piece of aluminum foil and place on a pan. Fold up the sides of the foil to catch the juices and mostly cover the tenderloin. Salt and pepper, then drizzle the Worcestershire sauce slowly from one end of the tenderloin to the other. Cook about 45 to 55 minutes (check the tenderloin packaging).

By: Brent Self

Published on 09/03/2013

Recipe Nutrition Information

  • 5.99g Ash (ASH)
  • 18g Calcium, Ca (CA)
  • 221g Sodium, Na (nan)
  • 3.26g Carbohydrate, by difference (CHOCDF)
  • 1.2g Fiber, total dietary (FIBTG)
  • 4g Phytosterols (PHYSTR)
  • 13g Energy (ENERC_KCAL)
  • 55g Energy (ENERC_KJ)
  • 2g Magnesium, Mg (MG)
  • 10g Phosphorus, P (P)
  • 136g Potassium, K (K)
  • 1.6g Fluoride, F (FLD)
  • 1g Folate, total (FOL)
  • 1g Folate, food (FOLFD)
  • 1g Folate, DFE (FOLDFE)
  • 1g Vitamin A, RAE (VITA_RAE)
  • 7g Carotene, beta (CARTB)
  • 1g Carotene, alpha (CARTA)
  • 1g Cryptoxanthin, beta (CRYPX)
  • 13g Vitamin A, IU (VITA_IU)
  • 1g Lycopene (LYCPN)
  • 8g Lutein + zeaxanthin (LUT+ZEA)
  • 7.9g Vitamin K (phylloquinone) (VITK1)
  • 13.35g Water (WATER)
  • 1.71g Sugars, total (SUGAR)
  • 2.2g Vitamin C, total ascorbic acid (VITC)